This is a list of Filk albums. Not all of them have pages. If you have any of these albums you are encouraged to add the track listing (along with the artists, in the case of convention albums).
- *.* and Other Star Things (The Faithful Sidekicks)
- The 7th Voyage of Sing-Bad (Boogie Knights)
- 10th Anniversary Compilation (Consortium of Genius)
- 545: Five Songs for Five Bucks (Andrew Eigel)
- 2017 New Releases (Summer Russell)
- About Bleeding Time (Steve Savitzky)
- About Damn Time (Talis Kimberley)
- Abseiling for Beginners (Playing Rapunzel)
- Achievement Unlocked (The Faithful Sidekicks)
- Acolytes of the Machine & Other Gaming Stories (Mary Crowell)
- Across the Borders (Lief Sorbye)
- Acts of Creation (CONduit 3)
- The Adventure Continues
- Again Congenial Filk (ConGenial II)
- Alien Salad Abduction (Chris Conway)
- Aliens Ate My Homework (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Alive and Filking (Roberta Rogow)
- All in Good Time (Jen Midkiff)
- All of My Heroes Are Villains (Beth Kinderman & the Player Characters)
- All the Love (Moss Bliss)
- Almost Alive, Sometimes (Robin W. Bailey)
- Among Friends (On the Mark)
- Amusing Filk (Teri and the Space Pirates)
- Anarchy & Rapture (Annwn)
- Anchored to the Wind (Nancy Louise Freeman)
- Ancient Sky - The Toad (Talis Kimberley and Zander Nyrond)
- And Then She Said, (Annwn)
- And They Said It Wouldn't Last (Bill and Brenda Sutton)
- And They Say I've Got Talent (Tom Smith)
- Angel with a Sword (Leslie Fish)
- Animals All the Same (Alexander James Adams)
- Another Dawn (Eridani)
- Another Way to Travel (Cats Laughing)
- Apocalypse Blues (Beth Kinderman & the Player Characters)
- Archetype Café (Talis Kimberley)
- Archives of Ages to Come (Emerald Rose)
- Arms of the Sea (Heather Alexander)
- As Good As Any (Echo's Children)
- Assembly Required (Puzzlebox)
- Asteroid Ore (Marcon 26 and Congenial 3)
- At High Tide (Clam Chowder)
- Auditory Confusion (Ambulatory CONFusion, 1988)
- Austin Ditty Limits (NASFiC 1985)
- Avalon is Risen (Leslie Fish)
- Avalon (Heather Dale)
- Avalon Rising (album) (Avalon Rising)
- BACONspiracy! (the great Luke Ski)
- Badgers, Gophers, & Squirrels, Oh My (Tom Smith)
- Balance (Julia Ecklar)
- Balance of Nature (Alexander James Adams)
- Balticon Tapes
- Bamboo Wind (Kathy Mar)
- Bard Camp! (Dan the Bard)
- Bardic Lug (W. Scott Snyder)
- Barnyard Bedlam (Bedlam Bards)
- A Barroom Bransle (Annwn)
- The Bawdy Beautiful
- Bayfilk I: Best of Bayfilk I (Bayfilk I)
- Bayfilk I: Concert (Bayfilk I)
- Bayfilk I: Crazies (Bayfilk I)
- Bayfilk II: The Best of Bayfilk II (Bayfilk II)
- Bayfilk II: Concert, Volume 1 (Bayfilk II)
- Bayfilk II: Concert, Volume 2 (Bayfilk II)
- Bayfilk II: Bayfilk Dredgings (Bayfilk II)
- Bayfilk III: Back Stage (Bayfilk III)
- Bayfilk III: Concert Center Stage (Bayfilk III)
- Bayfilk III: Concert On Stage (Bayfilk III)
- Bayfilk III: Stage Struck (Bayfilk III)
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Backlight (Bayfilk 4 & 5)
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Cyberlite (Bayfilk 4 & 5)
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Encore (Bayfilk 4 & 5)
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Footlight (Bayfilk 4 & 5])
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Limelight (Bayfilk 4 & 5)
- Bayfilk 4 & 5: Spotlight (Bayfilk 4 & 5)
- Be Amused By Me (the great Luke Ski)
- Bears All (Graham Leathers)
- Bedlam Cats (Cynthia McQuillin & Dr. Jane Robinson)
- Belaboring the Obvious (Spider Robinson)
- Bending Tradition (Emerald Rose)
- Beowulf Pulled My Arm Off (Kari Maaren)
- Best of Chi-Con IV (Chicon IV)
- Best of ConStellation (ConStellation)
- The Best of FilkCon West (FilkCon West, 1982)
- Between the Lines (On the Mark)
- Bigger on the Inside (Consonance 2)
- Bilderspiel (Schattenweber)
- Bin There Dun That (CONduit 4)
- Black Book of Locksley (Joe Bethancourt)
- Blessings (S.J. Tucker)
- Blindsight (Blake Hodgetts)
- Blue on Green (Rob Wullenjohn)
- The Blue Rose Rare and Other Faerie Tales (Alexander James Adams)
- Blues for Dumuzi (Nancy Louise Freeman)
- Boarding Party (Michael Longcor)
- bommey qu' (Klingon Pop Warrior)
- Boggy Spew (4 Shillings Short)
- Bootleg (Tempest)
- Border Patrol (Firebird Arts and Music)
- Box of Fairies (Gwen Knighton)
- The Boy in the Room (Chris Malme)
- Brandywine
- A Breeze Through the CONduit (CONduit 1)
- A Broadside Ballad Halloween (Daniel Kelly)
- Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Brocelïande (Brocelïande)
- Burning West Indies (Meg Davis)
- Butter Side Down (Nate Bucklin)
- By Request Live at DucKon 19 (Talis Kimberley)
- By The Sword (Mercedes Lackey performed by Meg Davis)
- CactusCon Choruses (NASFiC 1987)
- Call the Names (Heather Dale)
- Captain Jack & the Mermaid (Meg Davis)
- Carmen Miranda's Ghost (Leslie Fish & Vic Tyler)
- Carpe Dementia (the great Luke Ski)
- Carry Me Home (Unknown)
- Castles and Skyscrapers (Urban Tapestry)
- Cat and the Fiddle (Alexander James Adams)
- Cat O' Nine Tales
- Caterwauls (Noreascon 3)
- Cecilia Eng ... Live! (Cecilia Eng)
- Celtic Circle Dance (Joe Bethancourt)
- Celtic Crescent (Emerald Rose)
- A Celtic Renaissance Wedding (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Celtic Stone
- Challenger Memorial (Off Centaur Publications)
- Chapel, Court, & Countryside
- Cheap Hooch (Dandelion Wine)
- Cheshire Moon Summer Singles 2013 (Cheshire Moon)
- Cheshire Moon Summer EP 2014 (Cheshire Moon)
- Chiroptera (Dots and Lines)
- Chickasaw Mountain (Leslie Fish)
- Children of the Future (Karen Willson)
- Chris Conway Live (Chris Conway)
- Choice Fair
- Circles in the Grain (Dandelion Wine)
- The Claddagh Walk (Meg Davis)
- Coda: Thoughts of Yesterday
- Coffee, Computers, and Song (Steve Savitzky)
- Cold Iron (Rudyard Kipling/Leslie Fish)
- Collage (Jen Midkiff)
- The Colors of Love (The Omicron Ceti III)
- Come Away to the Hills (Annwn)
- Con Suite (Emerald Rose)
- ConCerto in A Filk Minor (ConCerto 1990)
- ConChord: Concert (ConChord I)
- ConChord II: Dreams and Nightmares (ConChord II)
- ConChord II: The Joy of Singing (ConChord II)
- ConChord II: Mister Author (ConChord II)
- ConChord II: There's a Filksing Here Tonight! (ConChord II)
- ConChord 3: Black Unicorn (ConChord III)
- ConChord 3: Song of the Stars (ConChord III)
- Conflikt 4 Brunch (Conflikt 4)
- Congenial I (ConGenial, 1989)
- Consenting Adults of Darkover (from the stories of Marion Zimmer Bradley, 1993)
- Contabile (CONtabile, 1989)
- Cookies (Lambda Miners)
- Copyright Challenged (Various)
- Cosmic Concepts More Complete (Diana Gallagher)
- Cosmic Connection (The Great Broads of the Galaxy)
- Courage, Dear Heart (Summer Russell)
- The Court of Love (Summer Russell)
- Courting My Muse (Mary Crowell)
- Courtly Airs (NorEasCon 1989)
- Creature Feature (Seanan McGuire)
- Creme de la Phlegm
- Crime's Against Punctuation (Lambda Miners)
- Cross-Genre References (Dan the Bard)
- Crossing the Streams (Copy Red Leader)
- Crossroads (Steve Macdonald)
- Crosstown Bus (BayCon '93)
- Crowes & Consequences (Cheshire Moon)
- Crystal Memories (Cynthia McQuillin)
- The Curious Sea Shanties of Innsmouth, Mass. (The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society)
- Current Obsessions (Mary Ellen Wessels)
- Cut to Rhythms
- D'al Thyann (Ariel Cinii)
- The Da Vinci Chord (Tim Griffin)
- Dancing Flames (Phoenix)
- A Dancing World (Echo's Children)
- Dangerous Heroes (Michael Longcor)
- Dark Deeds and Desperate Men and Women (Roberta Rogow)
- Dark Moon Circle (Cynthia McQuillin)
- Dark Side of the Meep (The Faithful Sidekicks)
- Dave Lennon (Ookla the Mok)
- Day of Jubilee (Anne Prather)
- Debasement Tapes (Tom Smith)
- Deep Space Love (Chris Conway)
- Delusions of Adequacy (Gary Hanak)
- Delusions of Grandeur (Graham Leathers)
- Demented! Filk Songs by Dr. SETI (H. Paul Shuch)
- DEVM (Deus Ex Vapore Machina)
- Diana Gallagher ... Live! (Diana Gallagher)
- Dichotomy (Garry Siler)
- Ditties from the Edge of the World (Linda Short)
- Divine Intervention (Julia Ecklar)
- Dodging Lodging (4 Shillings Short)
- Domino Death (Tom Smith)
- Done the Impossible (Various)
- Don't Ask (Frank Hayes)
- Drachenkinder (Sagensang)
- Dragon Dreamz
- Dragon For Sale (FilKONtario)
- Dragon Wine (Tri-Destiny)
- Dream of a Far Light (Wild Mercy)
- Dream of Flying (Stone Dragons)
- Dream of Light Horses (Meg Davis)
- The Dream Is Alive! Music of the Space Shuttles (Joe Ellis)
- Dream Tunes & Dragon Tales (Alexander James Adams)
- Dreamflights (Musicon 1992 & 1993)
- Dreams of Fortune (Cynthia McQuillin)
- Drive By Barding (Steve Macdonald)
- Dr. Faber's Medicine Show! (Cat Faber)
- Dr. Jane's Fossil Fever (Dr. Jane Robinson)
- Dr. Jane's Remains (Dr. Jane Robinson)
- Dr. Jane's Science Notes (Dr. Jane Robinson)
- Drunken Angel (Michael Longcor)
- Earworm (various)
- Echoes on the Wind (Windbourne)
- Ecotone (Heather Rose Jones)
- Edges (Cathy McManamon)
- Elbows and Antlers (Avalon)
- Eleven (Second Millenium Non-CD) Songs
- Ember Days (S. J. Tucker)
- Enchantment (Uffington Horse)
- Ends 'n' Odds (Tom Smith)
- Eponymous (Capplor)
- Escape from Mundania (Barry & Sally Childs-Helton)
- Even One is Quite a Few (Kenny Young and the Eggplants)
- Everafter (Heather Alexander)
- Everybody Hates Elves (Kari Maaren)
- Everything's Better... (The Whiskey Brothers)
- Exploding Head Syndrome (Nuclear Bubble Wrap)
- The Face on Mars (Dandelion Wine)
- Face the Flame (Pete Grubbs)
- Faerie Revel (Pandora Celtica)
- A Faire To Remember (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Fake News and other silly songs (Chris Conway)
- Falling Toward Orion (Bill Roper)
- A Familiar Promise (Alexander James Adams)
- Fanboys 'n Da Hood (the great Luke Ski)
- Fantom Voices (FanTom (Tom Nanson))
- Fellowship!
- Fever Season (FAM)
- Field of Fire (Michael Longcor & Emrys Atkinson)
- A Fifth of Vocals (W. Randy Hoffman)
- Fight the Snails! (Naomi Hinchen)
- Filk 2K: ChiCon 2000, Vol 1
- Filk 2K: ChiCon 2000, Vol 2
- Filk and Cookies (Vanessa Cardui)
- Filk Around Germany
- Filk from a Developing Country, vol. 1: Neofan (Juliane Honisch)
- Filk from a Developing Country, vol. 2: Beyond (Juliane Honisch & Kerstin Dröge)
- The Filk of Human Kindness (Zander Nyrond)
- Filk Memories
- Filk Notes
- filk punk flunk (nobody and myself)
- A Filk to Remember (FilKONtario)
- Consonance: Filk Under the Bridge (Consonance 1990)
- The Filk Was Great...
- FilkCon 5.2/East Concert
- FilkCONtinental 1997: Definitely!
- FilkCONtinental 1998: Yes? - No?! - Yes!!!
- FilkCONtinental 1999-2000 - The Programme Has Changed
- Filk Dreams (songs from FilKONtario 9)
- Filking in the Neutral Zone
- Filking in the Small Rooms
- Filk Notes (songs from FilKONtario 11)
- The Filksöngs
- Filk Together (songs from FilKONtario 12)
- Finding My Balance (Jen Midkiff)
- Finity's End (OCP)
- Fire Dream (Vision)
- Fire in the Head (Emerald Rose Live)
- Fire in the Sky (Jordin Kare)
- The Fire Inside (Cathy McManamon)
- Firefly Drinking Songs (Bedlam Bards Marc Gunn)
- Firestorm: Songs of the Third World War (Leslie Fish)
- The First Album (aka The Basement Tape, aka Reissue, aka Bootleg Issue) (Cats Laughing)
- First Contact (Black Book Band)
- The First Overnight Guest (Nate Bucklin)
- The First Rule of Flying: Songs from the Black II (various artists)
- Flies By Night (Time Lines)
- Flights of Fantasy (Time Lines)
- Flying Island (Marcon 22)
- Folk Songs for Folk who Ain't Even Been Yet (Leslie Fish and the Dehorn Crew)
- Folk Songs for Solar Sailors (Leslie Fish and the Dehorn Crew)
- Following Wind
- For All My Closest Friends (Naomi Pardue)
- For Amusement Only (Rob Balder)
- For Your Confustication (Tom Smith)
- force doesn't work on a crustacean (Power Salad)
- Forgiveness Day
- Four on the Floor (Renee Alper)
- Fragile Wall (Clif Flynt and Mary Ellen Wessels)
- Frank Hayes ... Live! (Frank Hayes)
- Free Awkward Hugs (The Blibbering Humdingers)
- Free Brains and Dead Bodies (The Consortium of Genius)
- Free Fall and Other Delights
- Freedom, Flight, & Fantasy (FAM)
- Friends of Kushyons Flyte House
- From Mist and Shadow (Cathy McManamon)
- From the Discworld (David Greenslade)
- From the Hazel Tree (Echo's Children)
- From this Moment On (Todd Alan)
- Full Frontal Piracy (Musical Blades)
- The Funniest Computer Songs (Vince Emery)
- Furious Fancies (Bedlam Bards)
- Furious Fancies (Wild Mercy)
- Furry Fantasies II
- Garbage Pizza (Feng Shui Ninjas)
- Garden of the Lost (Lord Landless)
- Gather Day (Steve Macdonald)
- Geek Mythology (Eben Brooks)
- Genesis (Julia Ecklar)
- Golden Filk
- Grandma Went Out With a Bang (Conterpoint, Too! 1996)
- Grated Hits (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Greatest Hits (Tom Smith)
- The Gravel Walk (Tempest)
- Gravity's Edge
- The Grey Cocked Hat (Annie Lore)
- The Grim Roper (Bill Roper)
- The Grim Roper Unplugged (Bill Roper)
- Grimm's Grimmest: The Darker Side of Fairy Tales (Dan the Bard)
- A Gypsy's Home: Songs of the Roving Life (Heather Alexander)
- Hair of the Frog (Three Weird Sisters)
- Hanging by a Hair (Playing Rapunzel)
- Harbors (East Coast Filk III, various artists)
- Harlequinade (Nolacon II)
- Harlequinery (Nolacon II)
- Harmony Heifers (Harmony Heifers)
- Harmony in Practice (Cecilia Eng)
- Harp of Stars (Daniel Kelly)
- Harper at the Faire (Jen Midkiff))
- Harvest Season: Second Cutting (Alexander James Adams)
- Heartburn (Michael Longcor)
- The Hearth and the Hive (Talis Kimberley)
- Heather Alexander ... Live!
- Heather Alexander and the Album of Secrets
- Hello, Stranger (Erica Neely)
- Her Fabulous Debut (Carla Ulbrich)
- Heralds, Harpers, and Havoc (Mercedes Lackey)
- The Hero's Journey (Beth Kinderman)
- Heroes (Eben Brooks)
- Heroes & Villains (Roberta Rogow)
- High Wings (Aislinn)
- Hip Deep In Heroes (Zen Nine From Outer Space)
- Home Shuriken Kit (Feng Shui Ninjas)
- Homecoming: Marcon 2005 (Tom Smith)
- Horse-Tamer's Daughter (Julia Ecklar)
- Horsetamer (Julia Ecklar)
- Hotel in California (Downtown Freddy Brown)
- How Many of Them Can We Make Die
- Hysterically Inaccurate (Boogie Knights)
- I Give You Music (Moira Nelligan)
- I Love Hamburgers (Joe Giacoio)
- I Promised Eli (Catherine Faber)
- I Remember the Rain (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- I Sing the Body Acoustic (Joe Giacoio)
- I Will Not Sing Along (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- I-Filk (Chris Weber)
- Imagineer (Heather Dale)
- In COG We Trust (Consortium of Genius)
- In Space, No One Can Hear You Sing (The L.A. Filkharmonics)
- Individual Results May Vary (Possible Oscar)
- Insh'Allah (Heather Alexander)
- Insult to Injury (Tim Griffin)
- Into the Blue (Summer & Fall)
- Into the Fire (Phoenix)
- Into the Mirror (Leslie Hudson)
- Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers (Marc Gunn)
- Is This the Filk Life? (Daniel Kelly)
- It's About Time (The Bringers with Joe Bethancourt)
- It's Not My Fault (Gary Hanak)
- It's Sister Jenny's Turn to Throw the Bomb (Leslie Fish & The Dehorn Crew)
- iTom 1.0 (Tom Smith)
- iTom 2.0 (Tom Smith)
- iTom 3.0 (Tom Smith)
- iTom 4.0 (Tom Smith)
- Jewel Songs More Music of Westria (Diana L Paxson)
- Journey's Done (Steve Macdonald)
- Juanita Coulson ... Live! (Juanita Coulson)
- Just Beyond (Mich Sampson)
- Just Me and My Guitar (Eben Brooks)
- Just some songs (proto-album) (Capplor)
- Karczma Niedokończonych Opowieści (Barbara Karlik)
- Kathy Mar Live! (Kathy Mar)
- Keep Left at the Fork (Leslie Hudson)
- Keepers of the Flame (Phoenyx)
- Kelptic OddYaSee
- The Kha-Khan's Lament (Yang the Nauseating)
- Kid Safe (Tom Smith)
- Kilted For Her Pleasure (Marc Gunn)
- King Kong Blues (Sam J. Lundwall)
- King of Filk
- The King's Lute (Catherine Faber)
- Kitchen Junk Drawer (Michael Longcor)
- Knight upon the Road (Michael Longcor)
- Krampus: Get In My Sack! (The Courtesan & The Cabin Boy)
- Labyrinth (Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff)
- Labyrinth of Shadows (Lawrence Dean)
- Ladies of Trade Town (Lee Martindale & Friends)
- Lady in Veils and other dreams (Valerie Housden)
- Lady Liberty (Glen Raphael)
- Lady of Lies (Beth Stevens)
- Lands & Lore (Mark Horning)
- Last Call (Clam Chowder)
- The Last Hero On Earth (Tom Smith)
- Last Sunny Day (Summer & Fall)
- Laughter & Laments (Rhodri James)
- Lauren Oxford (album) (Lauren Oxford)
- Lavender Wine (Dan Bennett)
- Legends & Literature (Margaret Middleton)
- Leftovers (Clam Chowder)
- Leslie Fish ... Live! (Leslie Fish)
- Less Than Art (Ookla the Mok)
- Let's Have A Filksing (various artists, FilKONtario 2)
- License to Busk (Graham Leathers)
- Life's Flame (Heather Alexander)
- A Little Rat Music (L.A.con II)
- Live at Counterpoint Four (Downtown Freddy Brown)
- Live at Dennos (Meg Davis)
- Live at Dragon-con (Sunday) 2017 (The Blibbering Humdingers)
- Live at DucKon (Tom Smith)
- Live at Festival of the Living Rooms (Moss Bliss)
- Live at FilkCon West (Juanita Coulson)
- Live at GAFilk 2001 (Tom Smith)
- Live at Pubs and Pirate-Core (Musical Blades)
- Live at the Starry Plough (Annwn)
- Live at Windycon 2016 (Ookla the Mok)
- Live from Digeri-Douze
- Live from Outer Space (Carla Ulbrich)
- Live in Germany (mostly...) (Bill and Gretchen Roper)
- Live in Montreal (Heather Dale)
- Liver Let Die (Poxy Boggards)
- livin every dae as though yer deid (Feng Shui Ninjas)
- Living Through History (Joanna Cazden)
- Lock and Load (Leslie Fish)
- Logick (Nancy Louise Freeman)
- The Long Overdue EP (Possible Oscar)
- The Long Road (Rhiannon's Lark)
- Lookin' Back to the Good Ol' Days (Downtown Freddy Brown)
- Looking For Summer Roads (Quarter Moon)
- Loose Cannons (The Jolly Rogers)
- The Loud Album (Carla Ulbrich)
- The Lovers Enchained (Annwn)
- Lovers, Heroes, & Rogues (Michael Longcor)
- Lovers, Lore, & Loss (Mercedes Lackey)
- Made By Magic (Kathy Mar and Zander Nyrond)
- Magic, Moondust, & Melancholy (Mercedes Lackey)
- Magnetic Elixir (Bill Maraschiello)
- Mairi Cláirseach śpiewa (Barbara Karlik
- Making Speech Free
- Manhattan Sleeps (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Manifilk Destiny (Westercon XXXX)
- A Man in Chain Mail (Draco Stormdancer)
- Manticores and Owlbears (Dan the Bard)
- Many a Sleepless Knight (Boogie Knights)
- Marcon Grows Up (Marcon XXI)
- Margaret Middleton at Bayfilk I (Margaret Middleton)
- Masquerading As Human (The Duras Sisters)
- The Masterharper of Pern (Tania Opland and Mike Freeman)
- Meander (Riverfolk)
- Meg Davis ... Live! (Meg Davis)
- Mellonath Gléowine (album) (Mellonath Gléowine)
- Memories of Middle Earth (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Mercedes Lackey - Live!
- Merlin's Descendants (Heather Alexander)
- Michael Longcor ... Live!
- Michael Longcor ... Undead!
- Midlife Crisis (Cynthia McQuillin and Dr. Jane Robinson)
- The Midnight Contingent (Cheshire Moon)
- Midsummer (Heather Alexander)
- Millardian Fables (Lynda Millard)
- Millennium Pandemonium I
- Millennium Pandemonium II
- Minions Make Music Marvelous! (Intermezzo 2019)
- Minus Ten and Counting (OCP)
- Mischief (S. J. Tucker)
- Mist and Mystery (Cathy McManamon)
- Mixed Cargo
- Modern Day Pirate (Musical Blades)
- Moebius Street (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Moon Magick (Todd Alan)
- Moon Shadows (Cynthia McQuillin)
- More Songs About Robots and Death (Beth Kinderman and the Player Characters)
- More Songs from Balticon (various)
- More to Life (Keith Kelly)
- More Vocals in the Monitors (W. Randy Hoffman)
- Mr. Smith Goes to the Hospital
- Murder, Mystery, & Mayhem
- Music After Midnight (Dave Clement)
- Music for Supervillains!!! (Consortium of Genius)
- Music of Wonderland (Meg Davis)
- My Favorite Sings (Kathy Mar)
- Mythcreants (Tricky Pixie)
- Myths and Urban Legends (Urban Tapestry)
- Naked Banjos (Joe Bethancourt)
- Nerdvana (Ookla the Mok)
- Never Set the Cat on Fire (Frank Hayes)
- Never Too Old to Dream (Robin W Bailey)
- Nex Monoceroti, Per Risibus (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- No Quarter
- No Sheep Aloud (Kathy Sands)
- Norman and Saxon (Michael Longcor)
- North Coast Cabaret
- Not Canned or Frozen (Leslie Fish)
- Notes from the Desert (NASFiC 1987)
- Not Everybody Dies (Erica Neely)
- Not Forgotten
- Not Just Lullabies from Planet Earth (Juliana McCorison)
- Now
- O R'lyeh? Iä, R'lyeh! (Allison Lonsdale & Eban Brooks)
- The Oak, the Rowan, and the Wild Rose (Mike Whitaker)
- Oathbound (Mercedes Lackey)
- Oathbreakers (Mercedes Lackey)
- Od-Ditties (Danny Birt)
- Of Mythic Distortions (Boogie Knights)
- Of Shoes and Ships (Cecilia Eng)
- OGRE (Tom Smith)
- Oh, the Horror! (Boogie Knights)
- Oh Okay LA (Ookla the Mok)
- Omicron Ceti III and Friends (The Omicron Ceti III)
- On a Bright Wind (Kathy Mar)
- On Deck #11 (Larry Warner)
- On Filkley Moor
- On the Drift (Bedlam Bards)
- One Filk, Two Filk, Old Filk, New Filk (Roberta Rogow)
- Only Stars Can Last (The Omicron Ceti III)
- Orion's Belt: Tomorrow Morning
- Other Times, Other Places
- Our Fathers of Old
- Our Kind of Strange (The Faithful Sidekicks)
- Out of the Box (Pandora Celtica)
- Out of the Greenwood (Summer Russell)
- Out of the Nest (Bedlam Bards)
- Out of the Workshop (Blake Hodgetts)
- Over the Edge (Tim Griffin)
- OVFF 1: The Best of OVFF (OVFF 1)
- OVFF 1: Concert, Volume 1 (OVFF 1)
- OVFF 1: Concert, Volume 2 (OVFF 1)
- OVFF 2: Filks that Pass in the Night (OVFF 2)
- OVFF 2: Sex, Violence, and Other Delights (OVFF 2)
- OVFF 2: Songs that Go Filk in the Night (OVFF 2)
- OVFF 3: Pleasure in the OVFFing (OVFF 3)
- OVFF 4: OVFF Beat (OVFF 4)
- OVFF 4: OVFF the Record (OVFF 4)
- OVFF 4: OVFF to the Stars (OVFF 4)
- OVFF 5: Sound OVFF (OVFF 5)
- OVFF 6: OVFF the Wall (OVFF 6)
- OVFF 7: OVFF Kilter (OVFF 7)
- Owlflight
- Owling At the Moon (Bill and Brenda Sutton)
- Paradox (Barry & Sally Childs-Helton)
- Parody Violation (Jordin Kare)
- Passing Through (Bill Sutton)
- Past & Future Tense (Juanita Coulson)
- Past Due (Bill Sutton)
- Patchworks - Volume 1 (CONduit 5-8)
- Patchworks - Volume 2 (CONduit 5-8)
- Patience (Vanessa Cardui)
- Pegasus Winners, Collection 1 (1984-1993)
- Pentatalics (Talis Kimberley)
- Perpetual Gift (Heather Dale)
- Peter Beagle ... Live! (Peter S. Beagle)
- Phil, Philk and Philched (Philip Allcock)
- Piece of the Action (S.P.O.C.K.)
- Pirate Gold (Jolly Rogers)
- Piratically Incorrect (Musical Blades)
- Play it with Moxie Live! (Play it with Moxie)
- Please Stand By (Technical Difficulties)
- Plugged (Tom Smith)
- Plus Ça Change... (Kathy Mar)
- Plus Ça Change...Plus C'est la Même Chose (Kathy Mar)
- ...Plus C'est la Même Chose (Kathy Mar
- Pocket Full of Quarters (TV's Kyle)
- Poetical Science (JT Steam)
- Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse (Captain Black Jack Murphy)
- Pot Luck (Awenydd)
- Prelude: Tomorrow's Promise (Windbourne)
- Pretty Little Dead Girl (Seanan McGuire and friends)
- Princess of Flowers (Margaret Davis)
- Procrastinators of the Apocalypse (Cirque du So What?)
- Professional Smart Aleck (Carla Ulbrich)
- The Programmer and the Elves (EastCoast Filk)
- Proverbs of Hell (John McDaid)
- Psycho Potpourri! (the great Luke Ski)
- Rain on the Sand (Phil Mills)
- Rainbow's Edge (Nate Bucklin)
- Raised By Nerds (The Blibbering Humdingers)
- Rambling the Galaxy (Dave Clement)
- Random Bits (Lee Billings)
- Rants and Rambles (Emerald Rose)
- Rat Mastersongs (L.A.con II)
- A Raven in Flight (David M. Stowell)
- Ray Fillet (TV's Kyle)
- Reality Check! (Graham Leathers)
- Reap the Wind (Steve Macdonald)
- Rebel Voices
- Rebel Yells (ConFederation)
- Rec Room Rhymes: Volume One (Roberta Rogow)
- Rec Room Rhymes: Volume Two (Roberta Rogow)
- Red Roses and Dead Things (Seanan McGuire)
- The Redhead League (Leslie Hudson)
- Release the Cello! (Betsy Tinney)
- Remember (Daniel Gunderson)
- Request Live at DucKon 2010 (Talis Kimberley)
- Resolutions (Nate Bucklin)
- Retro Rocket Science (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Return of the Guardians (David Arkenstone)
- Rich Fantasy Lives (Rob Balder)
- Ride Back In Time (Joe Bethancourt)
- Rifles & Rhymes (Juanita Coulson)
- Rite the First Time (Three Weird Sisters}
- Road to Roswell (Karen Linsley)
- Road to Santiago (Heather Dale)
- Rock and Roll to Hit (W. Scott Snyder)
- The Rookery (Sam Baardman)
- A Rose for Iconoclastes (Stephen Brust)
- Rose Tatoo"Live": Trains, Tramps, & Traditions
- Roundworm (Bob Kanefsky)
- Rowan & Storm (Twotonic)
- Rubenesque (The Duras Sisters)
- Rune Songs Volume 1 (Cathy McManamon)
- Sales of Interest (The Faithful Sidekicks)
- Scarborough Faire (Richard Searles)
- Scaring the Sheep (Kathy Sands)
- Scattering Seeds on the Pomegranate Tour (Mary Crowell)
- Schrodinger's Hairball (Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff)
- Scratch These Vocals (W. Randy Hoffman)
- Screams of the Vegetables (Bucconeer - 1998 WorldCon)
- Sea-Dog, See Dog (Tom Lewis)
- Sea of Dreams (Leslie Fish)
- Sea of Stars (Judith Hayman)
- Second Nature (Kat Eggleston)
- Separate Worlds (Martin and Andy GK)
- Serious Steel (Leslie Fish & Joe Bethancourt)
- Serrated Edge (Tempest)
- Seven Miles a Second (Bill Roper)
- Shadow Horses (Ju Honisch & Katy Dröge-Macdonald)
- Shadow Spun (Cynthia McQuillin)
- Shadow Stalker (Mercedes Lackey performed by Heather Alexander)
- Shadowbeast (Escape Key)
- Shadows of the Bunghole (the great Luke Ski)
- Shai Dorsai
- Shake the Dust Off (Bill Sutton)
- Shape Shifter (Betsy Tinney and Geli Wuerzner)
- Shattered Dreams (Mike Whitaker)
- Shift in Perception (JoEllyn Davidoff)
- Shoggoth on the Roof (H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society)
- A Shot Across the Bow (Pirates for Sail)
- Shrink Wrap Blues (Gary McGath)
- Sick Humor (Carla Ulbrich)
- Silent Planet (Syntax)
- Sing a Song of SETI (Dr. Seti)
- Sing Language (Musical Chairs)
- Sing More Songs of SETI (Dr. Seti)
- Singer in the Shadow (Cynthia McQuillin)
- Sins of Commission (Tom Smith)
- Sins of Commission 2 (Tom Smith)
- Sir Christèmas (Brocelïande)
- Sirens (S. J. Tucker)
- Sky Full of Phoenix (Rhiannon's Lark)
- Skybound (Leslie Fish)
- Smell No Evil (Ookla the Mok)
- Smoked Fish and Friends (Leslie Fish)
- Snow Magic
- Snow White The Mirror's Revenge (Margaret Davis & Kristoph Klover)
- Sofa Sessions (JT Steam)
- Solace and Sorrow (S. J. Tucker)
- Solar Sailors (Leslie Fish and the Dehorn Crew)
- Solitaire (Jordan Mann)
- Solitary Dancer (Sassafrass)
- Some Dreams Are Worth Having (Judith Proctor)
- Some See the Glass Half Empty (Eric Coleman)
- Something Lingers in the Fridge (Robin June Nakkula)
- Something to Sell at My Gigs (Tom Tuerff)
- Song of the Stars (Con-Chord 3: Space & Future)
- Songbird (Kathy Mar)
- Songs from the Black (various artists)
- Songs for After Midnight (Downtown Freddy Brown)
- Songs For the Night Sky (Emerald Rose)
- Songs in the Key of Geek (Debs & Errol)
- Songs of the Cat
- Songs of Ireland (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Songs of the Dorsai
- Songs of the Maniacs (Worm Quartet)
- Songs of the Muse (Brobdingnagian Bards)
- Songs of the Seven (Linda Short)
- Songsmith (Heather Alexander)
- Songspinner (Steve Macdonald)
- Soon to Be a Major Embarrassment (Suzette Haden Elgin and Randy Farran)
- Sophia Speaks
- Sounding with the Stars (Astrisoni)
- Sounds Familiar v1 (Tom Smith)
- Sour Grapes (Cat Faber)
- Southwind
- Space & Freedom (Mark Horning)
- The Space Between Notes (Sunnie Larsen)
- The Space Between Us (Daniel Kelly)
- Space Heroes and Other Fools (Julia Ecklar, Anne Prather and Leslie Fish)
- Spark (Heather Dale)
- Sphere (Heather Dale)
- Spindrift (Clam Chowder)
- Spiritride (Mark Shepherd)
- SSR at 1's Recordings
- St. Elmo's Fire (Duane Elms and Larry Warner)
- Star Song (Diana Gallagher)
- Star Trek Comedy - The Unofficial Album (various)
- Stardust County (Nancy Louise Freeman)
- The Starlit Jewel (Avalon Rising)
- Stars Fall Home (Seanan McGuire)
- StartupSounds (John Swerdan)
- Station Break (Technical Difficulties)
- Steel Cage Match (Brooke vs John)
- Step Out of Time (Andrea Dale)
- Stewed
- Stirrin' Up the Spirits
- Stolen Season (S. J. Tucker)
- Stop Me Before I Filk Again (Adam Goss)
- Stories and Stone (Sassafrass)
- Storming Heaven (Avalon Rising)
- Storyteller (Anne Harlan Prather)
- Strangers No More (Brenda Sutton)
- Stuff and Nonsense
- Stupid Cowboy Thing Volume 1: Grandmother! (Cirque du So What?)
- Stupid Cowboy Thing Volume 2: Additional Squid (Cirque du So What?)
- Suantraí, struna snu (Barbara Karlik)
- Sugar and spice and dinosaurs (Rhiannon's Lark)
- Summer Storm (Wild Mercy)
- Sun & Shadow (Golden Bough)
- Sundown - Whispers of Ragnarok (Sassafrass)
- Sunken Treasures (Tempest)
- Sunset's Gold (Tania Opland & Mike Freeman)
- Super Secret (Ookla the Mok)
- Superman's Midlife Crisis (Joe Giacoio)
- Surfacing
- Surfing to Mecca (Tempest)
- Sushi & High Tea (Urban Tapestry)
- Sweat Equity (Power Salad)
- Swing the Cat (Meg Davis)
- The Synthetic Filker (Joe Ellis)
- Take Out the Trash (Bedlam Bards)
- Takeoff! (Barbership)
- Takes Flight (Time Lines)
- Tangles (S. J. Tucker)
- Tapeworm I (Bob Kanefsky)
- Tapeworm II (Bob Kanefsky)
- Tapeworm III (Bob Kanefsky)
- Target: Audience (the great Luke Ski)
- Terra Incognita: Beyond the Horizon (Roswell Six)
- Telling Takes Me Home
- Tempus Fugitives (Black Book Band)
- That Great Big Way Out There (Joe Bethancourt)
- Third Thyme's the Charm (Three Weird Sisters)
- Third Time's the Charm (Moss Bliss)
- Thirteen (Vixy & Tony)
- This Heavy Heart (Cynthia McQuillin)
- This Space for Rent
- Thought Experiment (Vanessa Cardui)
- Through Lands and Waters Wide
- Through My Eyes (Larry Warner)
- Through the Door (Charlene MacKay)
- Thoracic Park (Renee Alper)
- Time Winds Tavern
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Singer
- The Tips of My Fingers (Rand Bellavia)
- Tired of this Exile (James Donal Faulkner)
- To the Point (On the Mark)
- To the West (Consonance 1994)
- To Touch a Dream (Windbourne)
- To Touch The Stars (Prometheus Music)
- To Walk the Land (Dan the Bard)
- Tom Smith and His Digital Acoustic Compilation (Tom Smith)
- Tomorrow Morning (Orion's Belt)
- Too Much Stuff (the great Luke Ski)
- Totally Average Woman (Carla Ulbrich)
- Toyboat (Toyboat)
- Trail of Mars (John McDaid)
- Traveller (Julia Ecklar)
- Tresses
- The Trial of Lancelot (Heather Dale)
- Tri-Destiny (Tri-Destiny)
- Triskaidekafilkia (songs from FilKONtario 13)
- Triune
- The True Lover's Farewell (Margaret Davis & Kristoph Klover)
- The True Lover's Return (Margaret Davis & Kristoph Klover)
- Turn of the Wheel
- Tusks Are Optional (Mark Bernstein)
- UFO: First Contact (Utah Filk Organization)
- Uncharted Stars (Cynthia McQuillin)
- unCONVENTIONal (the great Luke Ski)
- Under the Gripping Beast (Echo's Children)
- The Undertaker's Horse (Leslie Fish/Rudyard Kipling)
- Unfettered Skies (Mark Horning)
- Unicorns and Dragons Bardic Ballads of the Bristol Faire (Dan the Bard)
- UnReal Estate (FAM)
- UnSeelie Self (Alexander James Adams)
- The Uprising of The Gin Rebellion (The Gin Rebellion)
- The Vampire's Kitchen (Stephanie Bedwell-Grime and Edgar LeBel)
- Vanessa Cardui Live at Conflikt 2020 (Vanessa Cardui)
- Vanessa Cardui Panfest 2021 (Vanessa Cardui)
- VIbrations
- A View To a Filk (Ju Honisch & Katy Dröge)
- Virtually Live at C'monfluence 2020 (Summer Russell)
- Visor i vår tid (Sam J. Lundwall)
- Vocals Sounding Fourth (W. Randy Hoffman)
- Vocals Up a Third (W. Randy Hoffman)
- Voice of the Turtle (Clam Chowder)
- Voices Going West (n'Early Music Consort)
- vs. Evil (Ookla the Mok)
- Wackademia (Dr. Jane Robinson)
- The Wail from Down Under (Aussiecon 2)
- Walk in the Day (Ben Newman)
- A Walk on the Windy Side (Windycon)
- Walkabout (Julia Ecklar)
- Walking the Wilderness (Michael Longcor)
- Wanderer (Steve Macdonald)
- The Wandersong: Music of Westria (Diana L Paxson)
- The Wanderlings Volume One (Leslie Hudson)
- The Wanderlings Volume Two (Leslie Hudson)
- Wanderlust (Heather Alexander)
- Warrior Maid (Draco Stormdancer)
- Warrior Woman (Klingon Pop Warrior)
- Wassail Test (VLB Recording)
- Wassaliens and Other Unexpected Noises (Zander Nyrond)
- Wasted Days and Wasted Knights (Boogie Knights)
- Water Over the Bridge (Nate Bucklin)
- The Way of Beauty (Via Bella)
- Wayfinder (Mark Horning)
- Ways of Wind and Water (Cheshire Moon)
- We are Everywhere (Brooke and John McLoughlin
- We Are Who We Are (Vixy & Tony)
- The Web We Weave (Cathy McManamon)
- Weekend Filker (Gary Hanak)
- Welcome to the Current Middle Ages (Baldwin of Erebor)
- What a Ripoff! Vol. 1 (the great Luke Ski)
- What a Ripoff! Vol. 2 (the great Luke Ski)
- What Color is Your Dragon? (Marc Gunn)
- What's a Hoosier? (Juanita Coulson and Michael Longcor)
- Wheelchair in High Gear (Renee Alper)
- Where No Man ...
- Where the Magic is Real (FilKONtario 8, April 1998)
- Whiskers in the Jar (Marc Gunn)
- Who Fears the Devil (Joe Bethancourt)
- Who Let Him In Here? (Tom Smith)
- Wicked Girls (Seanan McGuire)
- Windsinger (Pat Brown)
- The Wine-Dark Sea (Vanessa Cardui)
- Winter is Coming (Beth Kinderman and the Player Characters)
- Winter's Celebrations (Windbourne)
- Wintertide (Heather Alexander & (Alexander James Adams)
- Wir Assimilieren Alles (geBORGt)
- Witch Way to Reality (Juliane Honisch & Katy Dröge)
- Witch's Dance (Cynthia McQuillin & Dr. Jane Robinson)
- The Wizard & the Elven King (Crwydryn)
- Woad Warrior (SilverCon 2, Las Vegas 1993)
- A Wolfrider's Reflections
- Wolves & Changelings (Talis Kimberley)
- Wonderful Star (Summer Russell)
- Wonders (S. J. Tucker)
- The World Can Be Changed With a Song (Peggi Warner-Lalonde)
- Worst Album Ever (the great Luke Ski)
- Worst Episode Ever (Adam Seizer)
- The Wrath of Con (Possible Oscar)
- Wrong and Wright (Tim Griffin)
- Wyverns in the Winery (Betsy Tinney)
- Yankee Doodles (ConFederation)
- Yeah, I'm a Geek (Bryan Baker)
- Yeoman on the Bridge (Leslie Hudson)
- Zen Cappuccino (Andrea Dale)