Links and references to various filk resources. See also Discover filk for a curated and annotated list.
- Filk music on Wikipedia
- Filk on Fancyclopedia
- Filk on Fanlore
- Filk discussions on Reddit
- Tomorrow’s Songs Today, a history of filk by Gary McGath
- The Filk Hall of Fame
Earlier archives[]
There are earlier web sites that documented filk. Here are a few of them.
- Justin Eiler's filk discography—this was the direct origin for this wiki
- Filk-Datenbank—maintained by Kirstin and Volker Tanger
- Filk Book Index—maintained by Gary McGath, which documents songbooks
- Filkstreams—lists upcoming events
Friends of Filk also maintains a calendar.
- Interfilk—a fan fund for promoting filk
- #FilkHaven—Discord server
- Let’s Filk About—German filk fanzine
- MASSFILC—New England Filk club
- Friends of Filk—Portland filk club
- Filk Music in the UK
See also Filk con.
- The Spotify Filk Compendium—attempts to collate all filk on Spotify
- Spotify Filk Sampler—meant to give a good introduction to filk
- The Virtual Filksing—a collection of older recorded filksongs
- Filk on Bandcamp
- Filkcast, a weekly podcast of filk music
Youtube channels[]
- FilkQuest—interviews with filkers and other fannish musicians
- Songs from the Stars—digitised filk tapes
- weyrdmusicman—digitised filk tapes—was operated by Harold M. Stein
- Filkzombie—digitised filk tapes
- Savitar The Surfing God—digitised filk tapes
- Vintage Filk Preservation—digitised filk tapes
- The BGSU filk music collection
- Harold M. Stein Memorial Filk Archive
- Cushing collection—also known as the TAMU Fanzine Collections at Texas A&M