Filk Discography Wiki

Bayfilk 4&5 Backlight J-card (smaller)
Bayfilk 4&5 Backlight inner J-card (smaller)


Side 1[]

  1. The Grey Cocked Hat (Lore) - Annie Lore
  2. Ballad of Esau's Sons (Keller/Longcor) - Michael Longcor
  3. Simple Toy Soldier (Alexander) - Heather Alexander, Cat Taylor
  4. Farewell to Whiskey (Gow) - Golden Bough
  5. Hired Girl (Keller/Coulson) - Juanita Coulson
  6. A War for the Ratings (Haldeman) - Joe Haldeman

Side 2[]

  1. Come With Me, Sir (Alexander) - Heather Alexander, Cat Taylor
  2. Deadfall (Keller/Coulson) - Juanita Coulson
  3. Picking Up Stones (Fish) - Leslie Fish
  4. Between You and Me (Traditional) - Golden Bough
  5. Dark Visions (Alexander) - Heather Alexander, Cat Taylor
  6. Brother Christian (Fish) - Leslie Fish
  7. Bold Marauder (Farina) - Michael Longcor


"The Grey Cocked Hat" (c) 1983 Annie Lore
"Simple Toy Soldier," "Come With Me, Sir," and "Dark Visions" (c) Sea Fire Music
"Farewell to Whiskey" and "Between You and Me" (c) Golden Bough
"A War for the Ratings (c) 1988 Joe Haldeman
"Bold Marauder" (c) Warner Brothers
All other songs copyright Firebird Arts & Music, Inc.

Engineers: Dominic Bridwell, Duane Elms, Teri Lee, Melanie Mar, Petrea Mitchell, Tom Payne, John Snyder, Vic Tyler